EULA (ALLv202402) This End User License Agreement ("EULA)" is valid for all products, product lines and associated products of Software AG comprising software, documentation, user manuals and other related materials in tangible or electronic form made available via marketplaces (the "Product") and you are NOT entitled to use the Product unless you have entered into a commercial license agreement with one of Software AG's subsidiaries or distributors ("Commercial License Agreement"). To request a Commercial License Agreement for the Product, please contact IMPORTANT: YOU SHOULD READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING ANY RELEVANT SOFTWARE AG SOFTWARE TO WHICH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY ('SOFTWARE'). THE INSTALLATION AND/OR USE BY YOU OF ANY SOFTWARE WILL INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU HEREBY REPRESENT AND WARRANT, THAT YOU HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AND ENTER INTO A BINDING AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF YOUR COMPANY ('CUSTOMER') IN DEALING WITH THE RELEVANT SOFTWARE AG SUBSIDIARY OR DISTRIBUTOR ('SUPPLIER'). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU SHOULD NOT PROCEED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE SOFTWARE AND, INSTEAD, RETURN THE SOFTWARE AND ANY ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION AND ALL COPIES THEREOF TO SUPPLIER. COMMERCIAL LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUIRED If you have entered into a commercial license agreement with one of Software AG's subsidiaries or distributors ("Commercial License Agreement") the installation and use of the Product is subject to your acceptance of additional terms provided below: COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK NOTICE The name Software AG and all Software AG product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Software AG and/or Software AG USA Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors. Other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Software AG or its subsidiaries are the sole owner of all intellectual property rights to the Products and accompanying user documentation or have the respective distribution rights. References made in or on the Products to the copyright and/or to the industrial property rights must not be altered, deleted or obliterated in any manner. No right, title or interest in any trademark or trade names of Software AG or its subsidiaries or its licensors is granted hereunder. Copyright (c) 2024 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors. ADDITIONAL TERMS COMMERCIAL LICENSE The Commercial License Agreement does not grant you the right to sublicense, rent, assign or lease the software, in whole or in part, and you may not decompile, disassemble, modify, decrypt, extract or otherwise reverse engineer, or make further copies of the software, except as explicitly permitted by the Commercial License Agreement. The software is designed for general office use. It is not designed or intended for use in air traffic control, mass transit systems, critical medical purposes, the operation of nuclear facilities or any other use which could result in a high risk of safety or property damage. You warrant that you will not use the software for such purposes. You may not download, get and/or provide access to or otherwise export or re-export any underlying software, technology or other information from the Products except as stated explicitly in this notice or the Commercial License Agreement and in full compliance with all applicable national and international laws and regulations. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend Software AG against any and all liability arising from or relating to your breach of these export control undertakings. Software AG reserves the right not to honor any affected parts of this notice, or the Commercial License Agreement, in case any national or international export regulations or foreign trade legislation, or any target country / customer / usage restrictions implied by embargos or other sanctions prohibit the provision of export-controlled goods (Dual-Use items) and services to be granted to you under either this notice or the Commercial License Agreement. Software AG may inform you if a related official export approval by national or international export control authorities is required. Provision of affected Products will then be postponed until all such required approvals have been granted. The provision of Products not restricted by the above-mentioned export prohibitions will remain unaffected of this restriction.